Alamo Regional Mobility Authority
The Alamo Regional Mobility Authority was created to be a proactive partner empowering our community to address our congestion and mobility concerns through local means with local leadership. www.alamorma.org
Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties in central Texas. CAMPO was established in 1973 and is governed by the Transportation Policy Board (CAMPO Board) comprised of regional and local officials. www.campotexas.org
Capital Area Council of Governments
Serving Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis, and Williamson Counties www.capcog.org
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority
The Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust was founded in 2001 to conserve land in the Guadalupe River Watershed. www.gbra.org
Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is an agency created by federal law to provide local direction for urban transportation planning and the allocation of federal transportation funds to cities with populations greater than 50,000. www.alamoareampo.org
San Antonio Mobility Coalition
The San Antonio Mobility Coalition is a non-profit corporation organized in 2001 to identify and advocate multi-modal transportation funding solutions for the San Antonio Metropolitan Area. www.samcoinc.org
San Antonio Free Trade Alliance
We're a unique alliance of partners working to improve your family's life through international trade. www.freetradealliance.org
Lower Colorado River Authority
LCRA plays a variety of roles in Central Texas: delivering electricity, managing the water supply and environment of the lower Colorado River basin, providing public recreation areas, and supporting community and economic development. www.lcra.org
Alamo Area Council of Government
AACOG provides general technical assistance to member governments in their planning functions, preparation of applications, and the administration of area-wide programs. www.aacog.com
CPS Energy
CPS Energy is the nation’s largest municipally owned energy utility providing both natural gas and electric service. www.cpsenergy.com
VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority
VIA's bus service is designed to get riders where they need to go quickly and easily. We have service throughout the San Antonio area and chances are one of our almost 7000 bus stops is close to you. www.viainfo.net
City of San Antonio Public Works Department
Public Works is dedicated to ensuring a safe, mobile and inviting community by maintaining and improving our infrastructure through an empowered, engaged and skilled workforce. www.sanantonio.gov/publicworks/
Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Economic Development
Texas Economic Development Council
The Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) is an Austin-based, statewide, non-profit professional association dedicated to the development of economic and employment opportunities in Texas. Our diverse members share a common goal -- bringing new investment and jobs to Texas. www.texasedc.org
Texas Workforce Commission
International Economic Development Council
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to helping economic developers do their job more effectively and raising the profile of the profession. When we succeed, our members create more high-quality jobs, develop more vibrant communities, and generally improve the quality of life in their regions. www.iedconline.org
Austin Area Research Organization
The Austin Area Research Organization is a non-partisan nonprofit organization that builds on the savvy and brainpower of 100 leaders from the Central Texas region of Travis, Williamson, Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop and Burnet counties. www.aaroregion.com
Capital Metropolitan Authority
Capital Metro is Austin's regional public transportation provider. We've been around since 1985, and work every day to give residents, commuters and visitors the best possible transit options available to match their busy everyday lives. www.capmetro.org