Feb 28 2014
2014 Transportation Funding Infrastructure Luncheon
The Greater Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council and the American Council of Engineering Companies Central Texas invite you to lunch and a conversation about the “2014 TRANSPORTATION FUNDING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT: The Effect on the future of the Austin-San Antonio Corridor”. Dan Gattis, Williamson County Judge, Will Conley, Hays County Commissioner, Pct. 3, Gerald Daugherty, Travis County Commissioner, Pct.3 and Bruce Todd, Travis County Commissioner, Pct 2 will participate. Executive Director, Mike Heilingenstein, Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority will moderate.
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Friday, February 28, 2014
11:15 a.m. Registration
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12-1:00 p.m. Program
W Austin Hotel
Great Room AB
200 Lavaca St.
Austin, TX 78701
Sponsorship Opportunities: Evan Hicks, evan@thecorridor.org, (214-718-0755) or
Amanda DeAngelis, amanda@acectx.org (512-788-4379).
Email/Fax Registration: Attn. Sarah Matthews, council@thecorridor.org or 512.558.7365
Sponsorships and Tickets: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2014-transportation-funding-constitutional-amendment-the-effect-on-the-future-of-the-austin-san-registration-10486735107
*RSVP Required